Discover the Hidden History of the Falklands: From Lush Rainforest to Rugged Landscape, Unveiled by Researchers

Discover the Hidden History of the Falklands: From Lush Rainforest to Rugged Landscape, Unveiled by Researchers

Discoveries by​ a researcher ‌from‌ the University of Southampton ⁢(UK) have ‌unveiled a fascinating history hidden beneath the rugged, treeless terrain​ of the Falkland Islands. ⁢Evidence suggests that​ this grassy landscape ⁣was once teeming with a diverse, lush⁢ rainforest⁣ around 30 million ⁤years ago.

Dr.‍ Zoë Thomas, along with an international team of scientists, conducted ​a study that sheds light on ​the ancient past‌ of this South Atlantic archipelago. Their⁣ findings indicate ‍that what ⁣is now barren land was once covered in cool, wet woodlands ⁤reminiscent of today’s rainforests in Tierra del Fuego.

The intriguing results ⁣of this research have been recently published in the journal Antarctic Science.

The journey to⁤ uncover these secrets ​began with whispers⁢ within the‌ close-knit community of Port Stanley, where talks about buried remnants of an ancient forest‍ piqued ⁤curiosity. In early 2020, chance‍ conversations led to​ the discovery of ​remarkably preserved prehistoric tree remains and pollen at a ‌construction site.

“While conducting research for another project in the ⁢Falklands,‌ we stumbled upon ‍information shared by locals about intriguing ‍findings unearthed by​ builders,” ‌explains ⁣Dr.​ Thomas, an expert in ⁢physical geography at the University ​of Southampton.

She elaborates on ​their​ remarkable find: “Excavations at a new care home⁢ site revealed ​deep layers filled with well-preserved ⁢tree trunks and branches that appeared‌ as if they ‌had been⁤ buried just‌ yesterday despite their age.”

2024-09-18 19:15:02
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