Clean-up Efforts Begin After Hurricane Idalia Causes Devastating Damage in South-Eastern US

Clean-up Efforts Begin After Hurricane Idalia Causes Devastating Damage in South-Eastern US

Residents across the south-eastern US were beginning the clean-up from Hurricane Idalia on Thursday as Joe Biden signed a major disaster declaration ‍for Florida ‌and the weakened but still powerful tropical storm dumped torrents of ‍rain in ⁣North Carolina and Virginia.

The worst of the devastation was evident along Florida’s Gulf coast,⁣ where Idalia‌ tore ashore on Wednesday as a category 3 hurricane with gusts of 160mph and⁤ sent ⁤a surge‌ of seawater ⁤of up to 16ft far inland through vulnerable low-lying communities.

Roofs were torn from ​some buildings, ‍houses were submerged by water from the Gulf of Mexico and flash​ flooding, and thousands of downed trees and power lines littered a trail from‍ Florida’s west coast to Wilmington,‍ North Carolina.

Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, ⁣toured some of the worst-hit areas on Thursday afternoon with Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and said ‌he was “heartbroken” at what he saw.

He said there was one⁣ confirmed fatality in a storm-related traffic accident.

Hurricane Idalia could become 2023’s⁣ costliest climate ⁤disaster for the USRead more

Torrential rain and significant inland and coastal ⁤flooding, meanwhile, continued in Georgia, the Carolinas ​and Virginia, as forecasters⁤ warned that ​the grip of Idalia, still a tropical storm with winds of 65mph, would not be fully loosened ⁤until late Thursday or early Friday.

Biden’s signature on ⁣the major disaster declaration frees federal funds to reimburse state and⁢ local ⁢authorities, and individuals, for rebuilding. But he warned in an afternoon press conference at the​ White House that ⁢funding‍ was not unlimited.

“We’re going to need ⁤a whole hell of a lot more money,” he said in reference to congressional pushback against Fema’s need for⁤ more relief funds after recent natural disasters including fires on the island of⁣ Maui in Hawaii.

Analysts said that Idalia, ​which unofficially is being blamed for the deaths of ‍two motorists in ⁤Florida, and a ‌man ⁤trying to clear a felled tree in Georgia, could become the costliest climate disaster to affect⁣ the US this year, with an initial estimated price tag up to $20bn.

01:30Hurricane Idalia leaves trail of destruction and flooding in its wake in Florida ‍– video

DeSantis and Criswell visited ‌Cedar Key, which was⁣ submerged for several hours on Wednesday, Horseshoe Beach and Steinhatchee, three ⁣of the most badly affected areas.

“I’ve seen a lot of really heartbreaking damage. When people lose a church,‍ when they lose their home, when they lose a business … this was really the day after the impact [and] it was very raw,” he said.

“When ⁤you have your whole life’s work into, say,​ a business and it ends up ⁣under 5ft ⁤of water, that’s⁤ a lot of work you’ve got to ⁣do.⁤ It was very difficult to see. I know it’s not easy now. I know it’s going to be a lot of work. But we will get everyone ‌back on‌ their ⁤feet.”

Criswell said before-and-after satellite imagery was…

2023-08-31‌ 14:31:06
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