Class-Action Lawsuit: Over 80 Women Allege Sexual Abuse by US Doctor

In the weeks since his dismissal ‍from a Boston hospital, the number of women accusing Dr Derrick Todd of⁣ sexually abusive medical exams has surpassed 80, ⁣adding ‌to ⁤a spate ​of‌ cases involving US‍ physicians reported to have violated​ patients in their most vulnerable moments.

At least ⁣82 ‍women have joined a⁢ class-action‌ lawsuit that was filed against Todd in ​a Massachusetts state court Wednesday, the ​plaintiffs’ attorney Drew Meyer told‍ the Boston Globe.

The women’s complaint came after⁢ two others had filed separate, individual⁢ lawsuits against Todd, who ⁤voluntarily surrendered ​his medical license in September before his accusers’ portrayal of him as a⁢ serial ​sexual predator had more fully taken shape.

“Dr Todd performed inappropriate pelvic examinations, breast examinations and rectal examinations on patients … for‌ his own sexual gratification,” read an excerpt⁣ of the lawsuit initiated Wednesday. The‍ suit ⁣contended that Todd had inflicted “these‍ horrifying, traumatizing and⁣ deplorable acts” on patients as far back as 2011 and continued until an investigation ⁢halted him this past July.

In ​an interview with the Boston ‍television news station WBZ, Sabrina Soini and Samantha Sullivan – who are sisters – described enduring abuse at Todd’s hands during appointments ​in February and April.

“It was a 45-minute pelvic massage that at the end he had you sit down, and he​ talked with you, and he asked you all kinds of extremely inappropriate and personal questions about your⁢ sex life,” Soini said to⁢ the station.

Sullivan added to WBZ: “He was doing things that weren’t standard, weren’t ‍typical of any normal gynecological exam and at that point, you know, I felt suspicious.” She recalled leaving the hospital saying to herself: ⁢“I think my doctor just sexually assaulted me.”

In a statement to the Globe, an attorney for Todd said the rheumatologist maintains “he⁣ has done⁤ nothing wrong and will defend [himself] vigorously”.

An official at the medical center where ​Todd practiced,⁢ Brigham and Women’s hospital,‌ told the Globe that facility leaders “immediately”⁢ began investigating him after⁣ receiving two anonymous complaints. They initially put him on leave but then decided to fire him ​on 31 July as the investigation evolved.

Todd offered⁤ his resignation as the hospital moved to dismiss him, according to local reports. Then, on 5 September, Todd voluntarily signed an agreement with the state ⁢medical licensing board to stop practicing. He has also been under investigation by state prosecutors and Boston police.

A more complete account of the allegations against Todd began emerging after a plaintiff who ⁢has chosen‌ to remain anonymous sued ⁢him on 29 September. A former patient ‍who has publicly identified⁣ herself as ‍Mimi DiTrani filed ‍a separate ⁢lawsuit seeking⁣ damages Tuesday accusing Todd of exploiting his “position of trust and authority to commit ‌acts of sexual violence,​ sexual exploitation and serial ​abuse”.


2023-10-13 05:00:36
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