Sushil Kumar is a renowned figure in the world of technology leadership, known for his innovative and influential work in digital transformation. With over 25 years of experience, he has received numerous awards and accolades for his exceptional leadership and achievements. Notably, he was recently honored with the ‘Global Indian 2023 Award’ for his outstanding contributions in the field of Technology Program Management and Digital Transformation.
One of Kumar’s early innovations involved spearheading the development of a GPS-based vehicle tracking system for the Indian Army, which significantly improved situational awareness and operational planning. He also established an Advance Technology Center in the forward military zone to address technical equipment problems encountered by the Indian Army units and formations.
In the corporate sector, Kumar led transformative digital banking initiatives for the National Australia Bank and played a pivotal role in the modernization of Qantas Airways’ legacy systems. His commitment to societal progress is evident in his work on a Technology Modernization project for citizens-centric applications for a county government in CA, USA.
Kumar’s journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to driving transformative change across industries and global boundaries. His dedication to pushing limits and bringing about significant positive change makes him a guiding force for future tech workers worldwide. For more information, you can visit the original article here.