Celebrating 5 Years of Days Gone: An Epic Open-World Adventure!

Five years ago, Bend Studio released the action-packed open-world ⁤game Days Gone, which⁢ quickly became a beloved hit ‍for the PS4. Despite its⁣ popularity, the⁣ game‌ will not be getting a sequel. Launched on April 26, 2019, this zombie‍ action game was ​exclusively available for the‍ PS4 from ‌Sony.

Players were ‌drawn into a thrilling adventure where they raced⁤ on motorcycles⁣ through a stunning post-apocalyptic world filled‍ with infected creatures.⁣ The game’s ​standout feature was the epic battles ‌against⁣ massive hordes ‍of enemies. ​Days Gone impressed with its graphics, engaging ⁤story, and immersive gameplay.

However, the game faced criticism upon release due to various technical issues ⁣that hindered the overall experience. With a Metascore of only 71, the game ‌fell short of expectations for ‌a Sony exclusive.⁢ To ⁢address ⁢these ⁢issues,​ Sony Bend‌ had ⁤to release multiple updates and patches.

User reviews‌ painted a​ different picture, showcasing the game’s true potential. ⁤With⁤ an average ⁤score ‍of⁢ 8.5, players praised ⁣Days Gone for ⁤its ​captivating gameplay ​and ⁢story. Despite positive⁢ feedback and strong sales, ⁣Sony⁣ decided not to greenlight a sequel, disappointing both fans and developers.

In May 2021, a PC ⁣version ‌of the ⁢game⁢ was launched, expanding its reach and ‍popularity. Steam reviews‍ reflected high satisfaction‍ levels​ among buyers.‌ Dedicated fans even started a petition ⁣with nearly 225,000 signatures in hopes of changing Sony’s decision, but to no avail.‌ A‍ film ⁤adaptation of the‌ game is currently in development.

Article from www.playground.ru

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