Case of Mistaken Identity: Ryazan Resident Wrongly Targeted by Military as Ukrainian Saboteur

Ruslan Khammatov, a resident of Ryazan, shared a harrowing experience ⁣of being⁢ mistaken⁣ for a Ukrainian ⁣saboteur and beaten by​ military personnel. The shocking incident was reported by Baza.

Khammatov had​ recently purchased a motorcycle and decided to take it ⁤for a test ride near a military airfield before the season began. While on his way back after refueling, he was stopped ⁤by three armed individuals ‌claiming to be part of the “Vortex” unit. Despite explaining⁤ his innocence and showing his local registration, Khammatov was taken to their headquarters.

Despite his attempts to prove his identity and innocence, Khammatov was accused of espionage based on flimsy evidence like a bitten wire and his subscription to ‌a ⁣Ukrainian Telegram ​channel. Despite his ⁤explanations, he was subjected to physical violence by masked ​individuals.

After realizing their mistake, ⁤the military called the traffic ‌police and instructed Khammatov to remain silent about the incident. He was fined for driving without license plates and taken to the ⁢hospital for treatment of his injuries, including fractures ⁣and a concussion.

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