Can the Sennheiser HD 660S2 Enhance an Already Exceptional Product?

Can the Sennheiser HD 660S2 Enhance an Already Exceptional Product?

NOTE: This article is a contribution and do not necessarily represent the views of IBTimes.

When you ask an audiophile about their favorite headphone setup, more often than not, they will show you a collection of headphones instead of naming just one. What’s even more surprising is that not all of their “favorites” will be considered “high-end” in terms of cost. There are always a couple of affordable “mid-tier” headphones in the mix. These headphones may not be top-of-the-line, but they possess their own unique characteristics that cannot be replaced or surpassed by more expensive options.

One of the headphones that consistently appears on people’s favorite lists is the Sennheiser HD 600-series, and the HD660S is one of the best-sounding mid-range open-back headphones that we have reviewed. The headphone produces exceptional sound quality when paired with the right sound source. In our case, we used the FiiO K9 Pro AKM edition, which produced one of the most organic and clean sound characteristics that we have ever tested.

So when the Sennheiser HD 660S2 was released, there was an obvious excitement in the office. The question on everyone’s mind was whether the German audio tech company could top what was already a masterpiece. Let’s dive in to find out.

The HD 660S and 660S2 are almost identical aesthetically
Jeff Li/IBTimes US

Almost Identical Twins

There is already a close resemblance between the Sennheiser HD 600 series headphones, and the HD 660S and 660S2 are practically identical. Upon closer inspection, there are only very minor differences, such as the fabric covering the headband cushion on the S2 being finer and the logo being smaller and in gold instead of silver. Other than these cosmetic differences, no other changes can be observed.

HD 660S2 proudly wears the mark: “MADE IN IRELAND”
Jeff Li/IBTimes US

One difference that goes beyond the aesthetics is that the HD 660S2 proudly bears the mark of “MADE IN IRELAND,” while the HD 660S is made in Romania but is not marked on the headphone. While it may be important to some people where their headphones are made, in terms of build quality between the two headphones, there is no discernible difference.

The Sennheiser HD 660S2 looks to balance the sub-bass and the sparkling high end that’s so iconic in the original 660S
Jeff Li/IBTimes US

Sound Quality: A Game of Balance

After testing the Sennheiser HD 660S, we awarded it the IBTimes Exceptional Value without hesitation because of its natural and transparent sound characteristics when paired with the right amplifier. However, if there was any complaint I had for the original HD 660S, it would be that it was not suitable for all genres of music due to a distinct lack of oomph in the sub-bass. While this added to the crisp and organic sound, it was a little lacking when it came to music that needed impactful bass, such as pop or electronic music.

The Sennheiser HD 660S2 appears to be the German audio tech company’s attempt to bring the charm of the first generation of the headphone to other genres of music. The improvement in the bass end is noticeable from the first listen: music immediately has more body in both the mid-bass and sub-bass ends, giving pop and hip-hop music the punch they need, as well as adding impact to OSTs and classical music. What’s impressive about the 660S2 is that it adds the low-end while still producing the same amazing soundstage and instrument separation as the original 660S, without compromise.

The only downside to the HD 660S2 is that it loses some of the sparkle that the HD 660S had, although it’s only a slight difference. The transparency that dropped my jaw while still there is less apparent. So ultimately, it’s still a give-and-take game: do you want a headphone that sounds absolutely amazing while playing acoustic music,

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