Business: The Key to Success

Business: The Key to Success


ExxonMobil has announced a $59.5bn agreement to acquire Pioneer Natural Resources, the largest‍ operator in the profitable Permian Basin ‍shale field. ‌This deal marks Exxon’s ‍largest ⁢acquisition ‍since Mobil Oil in 1998 and is expected to drive further consolidation in the industry. Chevron and ConocoPhillips are ⁤also reportedly exploring opportunities to purchase firms‍ in ‌the shale ‌sector, although ⁢the potential ⁢acquisition of small‌ drillers by ⁣oil giants may attract scrutiny from antitrust regulators.

BP ‍ has assured investors of its commitment to reducing oil and gas production and transitioning towards renewable energy, despite recent leadership challenges. In September, Bernard Looney resigned as CEO after failing to fully disclose his past ​personal relationships with female employees. Shortly after, BP’s​ top‌ executive‌ in America announced‌ his departure from the company to pursue other career opportunities.

The⁤ latest forecasts⁣ from the‍ IMF suggest that the global economic recovery is at risk of losing momentum. The ‌IMF attributes this partly⁣ to households having to cope with a persistently high cost of living as their ‍pandemic-induced savings diminish. While the US economy remains resilient and is projected‍ to⁤ grow ‍by 2.1% this year, the euro area is expected to experience only 0.7% growth, primarily due to the ​potential 0.5% contraction of Germany’s ⁤economy.

2023-10-12 ​09:04:45
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