Business: The Key to Success

Business: The Key to Success


Country Garden, a major Chinese property ‌developer, successfully made two interest payments‌ to ‍bondholders just ⁣before the end of a ‍30-day grace period, avoiding a technical default. ‌The ​company ​had‌ recently issued a warning‍ about ⁢the possibility of defaulting on its debt after reporting a significant quarterly loss. With⁣ a total⁢ liability of approximately $187 billion, its struggles ⁢have caused concern among investors. However, there was a ⁤brief rally in Chinese markets‍ following this news, as well as​ announcements⁢ from Beijing, Shanghai, and other cities about relaxed ⁢mortgage ‍requirements for homebuyers.

The challenges facing China’s economy are exemplified by the ​decline in its once-dominant trade performance.‌ The country’s⁤ exports dropped by 8.8% ⁢in August compared ​to the previous year, marking the fourth consecutive month of decline​ (with a 14.5%⁤ plunge in July). Outbound shipments from China to Japan experienced a 20% decrease.

Saudi Arabia and Russia⁢ surprised the markets by extending their ‍voluntary⁢ cuts in⁣ oil production until the end of 2023, ⁤instead of the expected ⁤October deadline. This news​ led to a price surge, with Brent crude trading ⁤at $90 per barrel for the first time ⁤since November of the previous year. ⁤Some analysts speculate that Russia aims to‍ maintain higher oil prices, and consequently higher fuel prices, to exert pressure on⁤ the Biden⁤ administration ahead of​ the upcoming presidential election in America next year.

2023-09-07 09:20:20
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