Seeking motivated voters, an environment-focused nonprofit turns to red states

Seeking motivated voters, an environment-focused nonprofit turns to red states

states election

Red States Add New Appeal for Environment-Friendly Nonprofits

As the 2020 election approaches, a careful eye is turning to the potentially pivotal influence of red states. Environment-friendly nonprofits are hoping to reach out to conservative constituents, as well as mobilize them to turn out to vote.

Why Red States?

Recent studies indicate that non-traditional, non-Democratic support could affect the outcome of the election in 2020. Climate-focused groups plan to target what they’ve historically regarded as hostile terrain in their outreach efforts. It has been shown that in red states, local decisions on environmental issues have coalesced in more meaningful ways than in previous years.

Strategies for Reaching Voters

Environment-focused nonprofits are:

Retention and Expansion

Organizations are looking to keep their supporters engaged while also expanding their base in an effort to court more conservative voters. It is important to maintain support in familiar blue states while redirecting resources and energy to the territories where more change is necessary. Immigration reform, Medicare, public education and living wages are all issues that must be addressed in order to achieve environmental justice.


The upcoming election offers an unprecedented opportunity to conservatives, moderates, and liberals alike to come together in an effort to confront the greatest environmental challenge of our life time. Environment-friendly nonprofits hope that through their outreach efforts, they can make a difference in this critical battle against climate change. By targeting red states, these organizations hope to motivate voters to not just to go out and vote, but also to fight for their environment.


A nonpartisan environmental nonprofit is advocating for the protection of America’s natural resources. The organization is turning to red states to boost their voter base and ensure motivated citizens are aware of the severity of the climate crisis and its impact on our environment.

The nonprofit organization is partnering with progressive organizations to target red states in need of more motivated voters. Their emphasis is on educating the public and encouraging participation in policymaking to ensure the protection of natural resources and land. The organizations work to spark a meaningful dialogue between citizens and government officials, allowing the organization to better understand the public’s needs and how to best affect climate change policy.

The partnership targets states with a low voter turnout, particularly those with the highest poverty and low median incomes. Through their advocacy groups and campaigns, the organization is addressing the “structural” and “institutional” problems, such as inequality and access to education, that make it challenging for people to participate in democracy and make their voices heard in the face of climate change.

The organization is also leveraging technology to help connect with citizens. They’ve rolled out an app to enable citizens to stay up to date on news, find polling locations, and get information about bills and regulations being discussed in state capitols.

Climate change is an increasingly important topic in the current political landscape, and yet often it’s not addressed in areas where the threat is the greatest. The policies created, therefore, are not always reflective of the needs of America’s most vulnerable citizens. By targeting red states, the organization wants to ensure citizens in those areas get the information and resources they need, allowing them to make an informed decision on voting.

This partnership has the potential to influence the outcomes of future elections. With the upcoming presidential election, the organization is motivated to help push the conversation forward in order to make sure the conservation of public land and natural resources is prioritized. The organization strives to ensure a better tomorrow and protect the Earth’s resources for future generations.

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