Breaking News: Senators Vote Down First Impeachment Article Against Alejandro Mayorkas – Follow the Live Updates!

Alaska Senator⁤ Lisa‌ Murkowski ‍opted to ‍vote ‘present’ ‍while the rest of the⁤ senators⁢ seemed to follow ‍party lines.

Following ‌the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this⁢ afternoon,‍ Chuck Schumer⁣ issued a detailed statement.

Schumer, the Democratic Senate majority ⁢leader, criticized the trial as the “least ⁣legitimate, least substantive, and most politicized” in U.S. history. He‍ expressed his concerns in‍ the Senate ⁤and on Facebook.

He ​argued⁤ that ⁤the charges against Mayorkas did not meet the criteria‍ of high crimes⁢ and misdemeanors, urging Senators to dismiss the charges​ to‌ maintain ⁤the Senate’s integrity.

According to Schumer, using impeachment to ⁣settle⁤ policy ‌disputes would be a dangerous precedent that ⁣could disrupt the balance ‍of ⁤power in⁤ the government.

Impeachment, he emphasized, should be reserved for rare cases ⁢where it is truly necessary, not as a tool for political agendas.

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Published on 2024-04-17 14:49:31

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