Breaking News: Geralt Set to Make Epic Return in The Witcher 4, Confirms Dag Kokl

Breaking News: Geralt Set to Make Epic Return in The Witcher 4, Confirms Dag Kokl

Actor Doug ‌Cockle recently revealed exciting details about​ The Witcher 4 in an interview with the popular ‌Youtube ‌channel Fall Damage. He shared insights from CD Projekt RED studio ⁤regarding the upcoming game.

Cockle mentioned that he is set to reprise his role‌ as ⁢Geralt of Rivia, although this time in a ⁣supporting capacity rather than as the main character. Despite this, he admitted to not⁤ having seen the‌ script for the game yet.

While‍ the release date for The Witcher 4 remains a mystery, it‌ has been confirmed that full production will kick off this year, much to the​ anticipation of fans worldwide.

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