BMW Takes a Gamble on Reviving the ‘Neue Klasse’ to Compete with Tesla

BMW Takes a Gamble on Reviving the ‘Neue Klasse’ to Compete with Tesla

MUNICH, Sept 2 (Reuters) – ‍BMW is once ⁤again turning to the “Neue Klasse” brand – ⁣this time as an electric vehicle – as the German automaker seeks to ‌replicate past successes to catch up with trailblazer Tesla.During the early 1960s, BMW (BMWG.DE) ⁢was a struggling enterprise with ⁤an ⁢uncertain future, overshadowed by ⁢Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE), Mercedes-Benz (MBGn.DE) and the giants of Detroit.The company’s leaders ‍put all‍ their chips behind a new car⁣ they called the “Neue Klasse,” or “new class.” ⁤Launched in 1962 as the BMW 1800, the Neue Klasse set the German automaker on course to become “the⁣ ultimate driving machine” company and one of the most successful brands in any industry.Now, BMW⁢ is at ​another crossroads, and is turning again ⁤to a “Neue Klasse” to drive a new ⁣strategic direction.BMW debuted at ⁣the Munich autoshow on Saturday a prototype for a “Neue⁤ Klasse” electric vehicle (EV) roughly the size of the current 3-series, the company’s best-selling model line.The show ‍car features panoramic information “head-up”⁤ displays projected on ​the windshield, as well‍ as some traditional BMW design elements​ such as a distinctive angle – the Hofmeister kink named for the designer of the original Neue⁤ Klasse – in the rear side windows and ⁤the dashboard screen.”We want‍ to make this vehicle generation⁢ so modern that it looks like we skipped one generation,” BMW Chief Designer Adrian ​van⁢ Hooydonk‌ said. “That is ​necessary ‍because of those new players that are coming ⁤in. You know the debate that’s been going ‍on:⁢ Oh, traditional ‌OEM‍ (manufacturer) over ‌100 ⁤years old, can you make⁣ this step? We can and we⁣ want to.”The show car previews a multibillion-euro effort to‌ jump‌ the⁢ technology gap with Tesla (TSLA.O)‍ and other​ EV makers⁢ that are winning customers with models and software-driven⁢ features many current BMWs do not match.That⁣ is despite BMW being relatively early to embrace ‌EVs with the launch of the i3 compact‍ in 2013 – ‌a ⁤car that never shifted large volumes and was eventually ​discontinued in‍ 2022.”Neue Klasse‍ is by far ⁤the ⁣biggest investment in ⁤our history. Because⁣ the technology‌ we ‍are using all over BMW is all new in​ all areas, without exception,” ​Frank Weber, BMW’s chief technology officer,​ said in an interview‍ ahead of the ‍Munich event.BMW ⁢executives did not disclose​ the total investment figures. The company is investing 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion)in new battery-making and assembly operations for the Neue Klasse at a plant in Hungary, one of ​the first factories to start⁢ building the vehicles.When real Neue Klasse vehicles start to go down⁤ assembly lines in 2025, they will arrive ​13 years after Tesla launched the Model S and redefined the ultimate driving machine ⁣for many affluent customers. Tesla and other EV startups⁢ already use key elements of the Neue Klasse design,⁤ such as a battery pack that forms part of⁤ the vehicle’s ​body structure to reduce ‌weight and assembly cost.’COMPETITIVE ⁢OFFER’BMW’s new compact models will enter a competitive…

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