These Stocks Are Poised to Reap the Rewards of the Largest High-Speed Internet Investment Ever

At the end of June, the Biden Administration ⁣unveiled an ambitious goal to⁤ ensure reliable​ broadband internet access for the entire US, ​even the most remote rural areas. The project will involve a federal outlay of $42 billion, allocated to the states over the​ next‍ two years. The President touts the initiative as a move​ to close the ‘digital ⁣gap’ that separates ‍the ​haves and have-nots in the world of high-speed connectivity.

“It’s⁤ the⁣ biggest investment in high-speed internet ⁤ever, because for‍ today’s economy⁤ to work for everyone, internet access is just as important as electricity, water, or other basic services,” Biden ⁣said.

For retail investors, the prospect of additional federal money ‌flooding the broadband internet ecosystem⁤ will open up opportunities. Broadband internet providers will benefit long-term, as they’ll be the ones building out networks, adding capacity, and enrolling new customers.

So, let’s look at two stocks that are set ⁤to reap the ⁤rewards of the…

2023-08-08 19:30:22
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