Bing and Bard’s Latest Enhancements Ignite the AI Search Battle

Bing and Bard’s Latest Enhancements Ignite the AI Search Battle

Microsoft made DALL-E generally available for its Bing AI assistant ⁢Tuesday, just a day before Google grafted Bard ⁢AI onto its Assistant app, as the battle over AI-driven search continues to heat up.

The stakes are high. ‌In the ongoing ⁤Google antitrust trial, where the search giant is accused of maintaining an illegal monopoly⁣ on search via exclusive contracts with device⁤ makers like Apple, Microsoft CEO Stya Nadella testified about central role search plays in the tech industry. “In some ‌sense, when you look at a company​ like⁢ us … there is nothing more attractive internet search,” Nadella said. “The organizing ​layer of the web is internet search.”

With Google having captured 90% ‌of the search⁤ market so far, Microsoft has backed DALL-E maker OpenAI as generative AI‍ opens up new opportunities to ‍attract search engine users.

DALL-E first rose to prominence in 2022, ⁣initially as a form of online entertainment. It’s an advanced image generator capable‌ of taking a basic prompt —‍ e.g. ‌“Fenway Park but populated by aliens” — and creating⁢ an on-the-spot picture that tallies with what a user might expect to see. DALL-E version ⁤3 replaces the pre-existing Bing Image Creator⁣ in Microsoft’s AI assistant.

Microsoft on Tuesday said that the latest version of DALL-E features several improvements, ​including better attention‌ to relevance and an improved ability to follow natural-language prompts. It also boasts improved ⁤photorealism and coherence, as well as⁤ an additional level of stylization and creativity.

Microsoft clearly views Bing and its AI-enabled features as ⁢a ⁣core consideration moving forward. During his testimony in the Google antitrust trial, Nadella said the GPT-powered version of Bing has⁤ pushed the ​company’s market share higher.

“GPT has led ​Bing‌ to an all-time high,” Nadella said. “I’m glad we’re out there using a new technology.”

Will Google lock Microsoft out of AI search?

He expressed concerns, however, ⁤that Google’s continued dominance could lock ‍his company, ‍as well⁣ as other competitors, out of the AI-powered search market in the future. At issue ​is access to online content that can be used to train AI in ⁤order to make them more effective, which, according ⁣to Nadella, means that exclusive ‍contracts for the use⁢ of that data make developing competition to ‍Google unduly difficult.

Nadella’s fears are unlikely to be allayed by the news that Google will ⁢integrate Bard, its own in-house AI technology, into Google Assistant, which competes directly with Bing and its own AI​ assistant features. The search giant said that the ⁢idea ⁢is to dramatically expand the helpfulness of the Assistant functionality, making it more aware of context and giving it more robust functionality.

“For example, say you just took a photo of your cute puppy you’d⁣ like to post to social media,” according to a Google blog ⁣post. ⁣“Simply float the Assistant with Bard overlay⁣ on top⁢ of your photo and ask…

2023-10-08 ⁢23:00:04
Original from‍ rnrn

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