Beware of the Tech Bro Bearing Gifts: A Lesson in Hitting the Books

Beware of the Tech Bro Bearing Gifts: A Lesson in Hitting the Books

American entrepreneurs‍ have always been focused ⁢on extracting maximum economic value from any resource they can find.‍ This includes Henry Ford’s assembly⁣ line and Tony​ Hsieh’s⁣ Zappos Happiness Experience Form. The public sector is no exception, as overambitious streamlining of Texas’ power grid contributed to a devastating winter power crisis in 2021, resulting in the loss of over 700 lives. In her new book, Optimal ⁢Illusions: The False Promise of Optimization, ​UC⁣ Berkeley applied mathematician and author Coco Krumme delves into ‍our historical ⁣obsession with optimization and ‍how it often leads to⁣ unforeseen⁤ and undesirable consequences in the systems we streamline.

In the following excerpt, Krumme explores the recent resurgence of‌ interest in Universal⁤ Basic ‌Income (UBI) and ‍the ‍differing‌ approaches to implementing UBI between tech evangelists like Sam Altman and Andrew Yang, and social workers like Aisha Nyandoro, the founder…

2023-09-24 09:30:12
Article from rnrn

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