Awesome Dead Space Remake Detail Shows How Smart Isaac Is

Awesome Dead Space Remake Detail Shows How Smart Isaac Is

Someone playing through the Dead Space remake has spotted an interesting detail that subtly shows how clever protagonist Isaac Clarke is. While the biggest highlight regarding Isaac’s depiction in EA Motive’s Dead Space is giving him a voice that adds an extra layer of depth, what was spotted clearly shows that the developer put the same level of care into characterizing his minute-to-minute interactions with the USG Ishimura as it did giving him more of a personality.

When it comes to immersing the players in its world, Dead Space does an excellent job of gripping them in and cramming a plethora of small details that are not meant to consciously catch player’s attention. These add up to make them feel like they are experiencing the horror alongside engineer Isaac Clarke as he uses his smarts to survive and find Doctor Nicole Brennan, his girlfriend that is stationed on the ship.

One of these details was discovered by Reddit user Ronathan64, and is shown off in a brief clip they posted. In it, the camera is shown taking in one of many grotesque scenes Dead Space has to offer while Isaac is looking off to his side. A few seconds later, and it is discovered that he is staring at a seemingly dead necromorph on the ground. The player readies a weapon and fires, causing the monster to spring to life and begin attacking.

It’s a subtle detail that many players could potentially miss on their first playthrough but might catch onto as they play Dead Space multiple times to see everything it has to offer. It also shows that as horrifying as the events transpiring around him are, Isaac is always on guard and paying incredibly close attention to any details that might be off or pose a potential threat. While he is not a trained soldier by any means, he is an intelligent person with incredibly strong survival instincts that are crucial in surviving everything being thrown at him.

Dead Space is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

2023-02-01 12:00:03
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The recent remake of the popular sci-fi video game “Dead Space” has revealed an incredible detail about the game’s protagonist Isaac. Through interactive play, it is evident that Isaac’s intelligence is being put to the test in interesting ways.

When players first encounter the remake, they are immediately introduced to Isaac’s incredible problem-solving abilities. This is demonstrated as he quickly works out a solution to a difficult puzzle involving a reconditioned facility and reactivating the ambient lights. Throughout the game, Isaac is able to solve increasingly difficult problems such as accessing jammed doors, resetting power systems, and navigating through dangerous environments.

There’s another feature of the game that deviates from the original version. While in the original the character had a set number of tools at his disposal at any given time, in the remake he can change the tools he carries at will depending on the needs of the situation. This allows Isaac to be more effective in solving difficult problems and make necessary repairs quickly.

Isaac’s intelligence is further emphasized through his unrelenting dedication to protecting his crewmates. He is able to coordinate with his fellow crew to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone. This is seen in the way he makes use of the environment and his available tech to help complete the mission with maximum efficiency.

The remake of “Dead Space” is truly a testament to the intelligence of Isaac as a character. With his quick problem-solving abilities, diverse tool set, and unwavering loyalty to his crew, Isaac clearly shows that he is a modern hero.

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