Attack on DRC Gold Convoy Claims Lives of Two Chinese and Four Others

Attack on DRC Gold Convoy Claims Lives of Two Chinese and Four Others

Two Chinese nationals and two others have been killed in​ an attack on a convoy carrying gold in the ‍Democratic Republic ⁢of the Congo’s lawless east.

Friday’s ambush targeted a four-vehicle convoy belonging⁤ to TSM Mining that was carrying gold from a site near the ‍Kimbi river in the‌ Fizi region of South Kivu⁢ province.

The attackers “stole parcels of gold which they took away into the bush”, said Sammy Badibanga Kalondji, an official in⁤ Fizi.

The two others killed were a ⁤soldier ⁣and a driver from the‍ DRC.

Kalondji said three others were wounded in the attack – a Chinese mine employee and two locals, another soldier and a mine worker.

The attackers were from​ the neighbouring ⁤Maniema region, he said.

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