Attack in Tel Aviv Leaves Eight Israelis Injured

Attack in Tel Aviv Leaves Eight Israelis Injured

new video loaded: Eight Israelis Injured in Attack in Tel Aviv




Eight Israelis Injured in Attack in Tel Aviv

The car-ramming and stabbing incident took place as Israel’s military continued raids aimed at purging Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Behind me is a bus stop where a terror attack took place. Individual rammed his car into civilians in a populated area of Tel Aviv, managing to injure seven civilians. He got out of his vehicle and began trying to stab the civilians that were around him. Luckily, there was an individual, a civilian, who was armed, and he managed to neutralize this terrorist.

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2023-07-04 12:40:36
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new video loaded: Eight Israelis Injured in Attack in Tel Aviv




Eight Israelis Injured in Attack in Tel Aviv

The car-ramming and stabbing incident took place as Israel’s military continued raids aimed at purging Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Behind me is a bus stop where a terror attack took place. Individual rammed his car into civilians in a populated area of Tel Aviv, managing to injure seven civilians. He got out of his vehicle and began trying to stab the civilians that were around him. Luckily, there was an individual, a civilian, who was armed, and he managed to neutralize this terrorist.

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2023-07-04 12:40:36
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