One year ago, in February 2023, the talented team at Mundfish studio launched their debut game, Atomic Heart. Comprised of developers from the CIS countries, the game quickly gained popularity for its unique blend of stylish action and shooter gameplay, drawing inspiration from beloved titles like Fallout and BioShock. Despite these influences, Atomic Heart has carved out its own niche and garnered a dedicated fanbase. As the game celebrates its first anniversary, fans and creators alike are rejoicing in this milestone.
Across social media, Mundfish studio expressed their gratitude to the players who have supported them throughout this journey. They acknowledged the longstanding fans who have been with them since the game’s initial announcement, noting the substantial growth in their fanbase since the game’s release. This outpouring of support has been a source of joy for the development team.
Thank you to our beloved players for your unwavering support! And a special thanks to our entire team, who, with your help, continues to expand our unique universe every day
— declared Mundfish.
Looking ahead, the studio teased an upcoming major story expansion for Atomic Heart, promising to unveil more details in the near future. In the meantime, players can immerse themselves in the world of Limbo with the second DLC, “Limbo Prisoner.”
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