At Least 11 Lives Lost in China Gym Roof Collapse

At Least 11 Lives Lost in China Gym Roof Collapse

China was filled with ‌anger on Monday​ after the roof of a middle school gym collapsed near the Siberian border. The collapse resulted in the death of at‍ least 10 members of the school’s successful girl’s​ volleyball ​team who were practicing inside, as well as a coach.

School ‍safety has always been a ⁤sensitive issue in China. The collapse of 7,000 classrooms ⁤during the 2008⁢ Sichuan‌ earthquake, which claimed​ the lives of ⁤up ⁢to 10,000 schoolchildren, sparked a nationwide outcry. The poor construction of schools, often referred to as “tofu” buildings,‍ was widely blamed ⁣for the high​ number of child casualties.

According⁢ to the official Xinhua news agency, the collapse in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, ⁣occurred because construction materials from‍ an adjacent complex were improperly stored on the gym’s roof, in violation of regulations.

When‍ it rained on ⁤Sunday, the stored material, a coarse powder used​ for insulating plaster, absorbed⁢ a significant amount of water, causing the roof to collapse under ​the additional weight. Xinhua reported that the head of‍ the construction contractor responsible for the adjacent teaching ​complex has been⁣ detained by the local police.

On Monday, people gathered at the school’s front gate to‍ lay flowers and mourn.

The official explanation differs from the long-standing concern about the quality of school construction in China. Suspicions of faulty initial construction in Qiqihar were evident in social media posts on Monday. One internet user, ⁣claiming ‍to be the aunt of one of the victims, demanded an investigation⁣ into the construction project.

Following the ⁣collapse of numerous schools during the Sichuan earthquake, which occurred just three months before the Beijing Olympics, the Ministry ‍of ⁣Education implemented‍ regulations ⁤in 2009 requiring safety⁣ checks by⁣ national and local governments.

Local media reported that the gym that collapsed on Sunday was built in⁣ 1997. The Qiqihar government ⁤had initiated an⁢ inspection program for schools four months ago, but it is unclear whether the collapsed⁣ middle school gym ‍had been inspected prior to the incident.

Social media users also criticized the Qiqihar police for immediately gathering ‍parents to prevent⁤ protests and for providing limited information about their‍ daughters.⁢ This follows a ⁢pattern of⁤ the Chinese government suppressing information after disasters. In 2008,⁤ protests were initially allowed in Sichuan after the earthquake but were later suppressed.

Qiqihar, the last significant city in China before reaching Mohe⁢ City,​ the country’s northernmost‌ town, experienced a construction⁢ boom in 2016 and 2017. ⁣The city⁣ constructed a high-speed rail station, modern apartment​ towers, and office buildings, which contrasted with⁤ its older, Russian-influenced architecture.

However, while developers were busy erecting new buildings, Qiqihar residents were moving away, undermining…

2023-07-24 05:24:54
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