Assessing the Devastating Flood Damage in Derna, Libya Following Storm Daniel

Assessing the Devastating Flood Damage in Derna, Libya Following Storm Daniel

Nearly 10,000 people are‍ missing in Libya after a severe storm slammed into ⁣its⁣ eastern​ coast this week, according to the Red Cross.

The death toll stands⁤ at 6,000 and⁤ is expected to rise as‍ operations continue to⁤ recover bodies.

“The death toll is huge and might⁢ reach thousands,” said Tamer Ramadan of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Storm Daniel formed over​ Greece on September 4. It caused strong ‌winds, heavy rains, flooding and deaths there‍ and in Turkey and Bulgaria before crossing the Mediterranean.

The storm made landfall in Libya a few days later, causing flooding on Sunday in ‍cities along its eastern coast, ​including‌ Benghazi, Bayda and Derna.

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