Apple Music’s $5 voice plan exclusive to Siri seems to be no longer available

Apple Music’s  voice plan exclusive to Siri seems to be no longer available

Apple seems to have discontinued its lowest-cost Apple Music subscription. The‍ Apple Music Voice Plan, which‌ allowed users to access the streaming service for $5 per month exclusively through Siri‌ voice control, is no longer ⁢listed as an option on the Apple Music webpage. This change was first noticed by MacMagazine.

According to 9to5Mac, it is no longer possible to sign up for the Apple Music Voice Plan. It is unclear whether current users will be⁤ able to keep their existing subscription or why Apple decided to remove this offering. Engadget has reached out to⁤ Apple for comment.

The voice‍ plan primarily targeted users⁤ who listen​ to Apple Music through HomePods, AirPods, or Apple Watch and are more⁤ likely to ​use a voice assistant rather than the Music app on ​their phone, tablet, or computer. However, there were some significant limitations. Users on this plan were unable to add songs to their library, create playlists, or use the service on…

2023-11-01 14:50:51
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