Apple Allegedly Developing Its Own Iteration of ChatGPT

Apple Allegedly Developing Its Own Iteration of ChatGPT



The iPhone maker​ has built its​ own AI framework known internally as “Ajax”

Apple does‌ not have a solid plan⁤ on‌ how to release⁢ the new AI technology to the ⁢public

Apple⁣ previously posted job ⁢ads for experts​ in generative AI

Apple is ​reportedly⁣ developing its own ‌version ​of ChatGPT, an⁤ artificial intelligence tool developed ⁢by OpenAI.

The ⁢iPhone ⁤maker​ has begun building ⁢its⁣ framework with‌ the goal ‍of making⁤ large‌ language ‌models⁤ similar to those offered by‍ ChatGPT and Google’s ‌Bard. The framework, known ​internally as “Ajax,” was built using‍ Google JAX, the search giant’s⁣ machine‍ learning ⁢framework.

With the ‌foundation,​ Apple⁣ engineers ​are also⁢ building ‌what ⁤they call “Apple⁤ GPT,” a​ chatbot service‌ similar to​ ChatGPT, ⁤Bloomberg ‍News reported, ​citing sources​ with knowledge ‍of‍ the⁣ effort.

Sources who spoke with the outlet noted that ‌Apple does not have a solid plan on ⁢how⁢ to release ​the new‍ technology to⁢ the public but‌ said significant ⁢AI announcements ⁤may come⁤ out next year. They⁢ also ⁣noted that⁣ very ⁣limited people have⁢ access‍ to the chatbot ​and that any ​output from ‍the ‍tool could​ not be used to develop features‍ for customers.

International Business Times could‍ not independently verify ‌Apple’s AI ​project.

However,‌ the news‍ comes ⁣after⁤ the company‌ posted ⁤at least a dozen job ads ⁤on‍ its ‌career page⁢ seeking ‍potential ⁢experts ⁣in ‍generative AI. ⁤The ⁣job ads first ⁢appeared on ‌the company’s website ⁤on‍ April ⁤27, ⁢according to ⁤TechCrunch.

“A.I. represents a huge ‌opportunity⁣ to⁤ elevate⁤ Apple’s⁣ products‌ and ‌experiences⁢ for billions ⁤of⁢ people ⁤globally. You will be‌ leveraging innovative Generative models to build fundamental ‌applications on⁤ top of Apple’s⁢ most advanced technologies, while ​developing your expertise in Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR),” one‍ job ‍post, ‌which has‍ since been‍ deleted,‍ read, ​per⁣ Fortune.

Apple has ⁢yet to ‌release ​any products using generative AI. So‍ far, its most famous ‍AI​ system ⁢is the​ voice‍ assistant​ Siri. ⁣It has,⁤ however, ⁣used‍ machine learning systems in ⁣its products​ for features such‍ as fall detection ⁤and heart monitoring.

Apple⁢ has also previously been reported ‌to ‌be ‌working on ⁣a new coaching service,​ “Quartz,” an‍ AI-powered ⁤initiative that tracks​ emotions and⁢ helps keep users motivated‌ to ⁢exercise and improve ⁤eating habits.​ It ‌is‌ unclear when exactly the new coaching ⁣service‌ will roll out.


2023-07-22 ‍09:24:03

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