Apology Issued for Lewd Ghibli Posters Causing ‘Distress’

Apology Issued for Lewd Ghibli Posters Causing ‘Distress’

In a previous report, we mentioned that a few individuals had taken and shared “lewd” photos with statues at Studio Ghibli’s new theme park, causing distress to many people. The Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Hideaki Ōmura, stated that posting such images on social media is inappropriate and disturbing to visitors of all ages who come to enjoy the Ghibli world. Local authorities have instructed park staff to stop such actions immediately upon confirmation.

Governor Ōmura added that those who engage in such behavior should not come to the park at all, and that harsher measures need to be taken against this type of destruction of property.

2023-05-01 13:12:59 Lewd Ghibli Posters Now Very Sorry For Causing 'Distress'
Post from kotaku.com

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