Recently, the esports world was rocked by an incident at a professional Apex Legends tournament. A hacker infiltrated the tournament’s live stream and provided participants with cheats, causing the event to be postponed. The game’s developers immediately took action to address the server vulnerability. The individual responsible, known as Destroyer2009, spoke with journalists to explain his motives.
Surprisingly, the hacker’s breach of the Apex Legends servers was not driven by malicious intent. Instead, it was done purely for “fun,” with no desire to obtain sensitive information or harm players. The hacker initially used the cheats in regular matches before deciding to test them during the tournament, aiming to entertain fans of the game.
Imagine if we hadn’t added any humor to the cheat – it could have had serious consequences for someone’s career if it had been used during the tournament.
— the hacker wrote.
Meanwhile, Respawn Entertainment developers have begun implementing updates to bolster security measures for Apex Legends players. The first patch has already been released, with ongoing efforts to further enhance the game’s security.
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