AOC alleges Republicans fabricate evidence during Biden hearing

During the first impeachment hearing organized by House Republicans, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioned the witnesses and had each of them‍ confirm that they were not presenting firsthand witness accounts of crimes committed by Joe Biden.

The New York Democrat also ⁤accused Republicans of fabricating supposed evidence of corruption involving President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

In the hearing, Republicans called three witnesses while ‌Democrats called only one.

Ocasio-Cortez began her questioning with Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University and⁣ a well-known conservative commentator. She asked him, “In your testimony today,⁢ are you presenting any firsthand ⁣witness account of crimes committed by the president of the United States?”

Turley responded, “No, ⁤I’m not,” after previously stating​ that he did not believe‌ the current‌ evidence would support articles of impeachment.

Ocasio-Cortez posed the same question to Eileen O’Connor, a ‌former assistant ⁣attorney⁢ general in the justice department tax division who worked for Donald Trump’s transition team and is a member of the rightwing Federalist Society.

O’Connor also answered, “No, I’m not,” and was criticized during ⁤the hearing for omitting the word “Hunter” when referring to the title of an article she‍ wrote for ‌the Wall ⁢Street Journal in July.

Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant, was the third and final Republican witness ‍questioned by Ocasio-Cortez. She asked him, “As the third‍ and final Republican witness in this⁤ hearing, have you in your testimony presented ⁢any firsthand witness account of crimes committed by the president of the United States?”

Dubinsky replied,‍ “I have not.”

Ocasio-Cortez assumed the same of ​the sole witness called by Democrats, Michael J⁢ Gerhardt, a University of North Carolina law professor.

Gerhardt clarified,‍ “I’m not a fact witness.‍ Correct.”

AOC, as she is widely known, has​ a passionate⁣ following among progressives and a passionate group of critics among conservatives.‍ Her questioning during the hearing​ gained attention on social media.

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Regarding an item of evidence presented by Republicans, Ocasio-Cortez accused them of fabricating⁤ it.

Referring to Byron Donalds, she stated,​ “Earlier today, ⁢one of our colleagues, the gentleman from Florida, presented on the screen something⁣ that‍ appeared to⁤ be a screenshot of a text message containing or⁣ insinuating an explosive allegation.

“That screenshot of what⁢ appeared to be a text message was ⁤a fabricated image.”

Donalds​ had shown⁢ text messages claiming that Hunter Biden engaged in fraud and money laundering to benefit his father.

Ocasio-Cortez said,⁤ “I don’t know where⁣ it came ⁢from. I don’t⁣ know if it was the​ staff ⁢of the committee, but it was not ⁤the actual direct screenshot from that phone.”

She added, “What was brought out from that…

2023-09-28 16:04:24
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