Another patch released for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag on PC.

Another patch released for Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag on PC.

Ubisoft ​continues to ​<a href="” title=”Another patch released for Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag on PC.”>pleasantly‌ surprise⁢ and,‍ following the patch‍ in early July, ⁣has ‍released a⁤ fresh ​update for⁤ the‍ PC version ‌of ⁢Assassin’s Creed 4:‌ Black ‌Flag, which was ‌released in‍ October 2013. The ‍update is ​small and​ aimed⁣ at fixing ⁣the​ window​ mode,‌ which users⁣ have long⁤ complained‍ about,⁣ but ​the developers ⁢took‌ no‌ action ‍to‌ solve⁢ the⁣ problem.

All this ⁤is ​happening⁤ against‌ the⁢ backdrop of ⁢rumors about ⁤a possible‌ remake of pirate adventures, ⁤and ⁢the ‌company has‌ also ‌published⁣ a ‍financial report for⁣ the first​ quarter ⁣of 2023 and ‍attempted​ to‍ reassure ⁤investors⁣ about Skull ⁤& ‍Bones.

Original ⁣from ‍rnrn

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