Anime adaptation of a scene from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by the neural network

Neural networks continue to confidently dominate industries. From static images, they gradually move into video format, allowing us to see familiar works from a completely different angle. A user under the nickname Inner-Reflections demonstrated the capabilities of modern AI by turning “Harry Potter” into anime.

The enthusiast successfully processed a 44-second clip from the movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” using a neural network. Despite the short duration of the video, this work cannot be called easy. As the author notes, turning the scene into anime was a long and difficult task. He used the capabilities of Stable Diffusion and the ControlNet architecture, resulting in a not perfect but high-quality version of the famous film’s anime adaptation.

Commentators on Inner-Reflections’ original publication positively evaluated his work. As users note, this is one of the best videos from a neural network that they have seen. Despite some inaccuracies, the AI correctly maintains the overall drawing style, does not change the faces and costumes of the characters, which greatly suffer in other attempts.

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