America’s states are being swept by a wave of tax cuts.

America’s states are being swept by a wave of tax cuts.

A⁢ tax-cutting wave is sweeping over America’s states

Iowa is accustomed to the national political spotlight as the first state that Republican hopefuls vie to​ win when seeking their⁣ party’s nomination for the White House. What is more unusual is that this small midwestern state⁤ now also finds itself in the national economic spotlight. For ‍conservative politicians and commentators, Iowa has emerged as America’s⁣ tax-cutting champion, a paragon⁢ of fiscal responsibility.⁣ To critics it looks more like ⁣an example of economic recklessness.

Either way, Iowa is playing an outsized ⁤role ‍in a bigger debate about how American states ought‍ to manage​ their revenues and spending. Until ‍a​ few years ago it had one of the highest income-tax rates in America. By 2026 ⁣it will be down to a flat‌ tax of 3.9%, with designs on more cuts. “Ultimately I’d like to get as close to zero as I can,” says Kim Reynolds, Iowa’s hard-driving governor. Iowa​ is far from alone. ​Some 25 states, from Arizona to New Hampshire, have ‍cut individual‌ income taxes over the past ​three years. A handful, including Georgia⁢ and Idaho, are shifting⁣ to a flat tax. And a ⁣few others such as‌ Arkansas and Mississippi want​ to eliminate their income taxes altogether, joining the likes of⁣ Florida ‍and ⁤Texas which ⁣have none.

It is not just a Republican trend. Virtually all states,⁤ regardless of ‌political make-up, have lowered their⁤ citizens’ tax bills since 2021, deploying⁢ a⁣ mixture of one-off rebates,‍ credits for families and outright cuts to property and sales taxes. ⁤Overall, these have ⁤been equivalent to a ⁤roughly $30bn decline in states’ tax ⁢revenues during ⁢this time, the steepest such reduction in at least four decades. But the ⁣most aggressive, and potentially the most permanent, moves have been cuts to‌ income taxes, and Iowa has been ‌at the ⁣forefront of these efforts.⁣ “You have to⁢ continually be looking for opportunities to be competitive, and‌ our ⁣constituents are the winners in that⁣ competitive…

2023-11-02 09:17:57
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