America’s foreign policy faces challenges due to Fentanyl trafficking

America’s foreign policy faces challenges due to Fentanyl trafficking

Fentanyl trafficking tests America’s foreign policy

AT THE FAR south-west corner of America lies the busiest ‌border crossing in the western hemisphere. People and goods constantly cruise through the port‌ of San Ysidro,⁣ which⁤ connects Tijuana⁢ in Mexico ‍with San Diego in California. But more nefarious things cross too. Nearly half of the fentanyl,‌ a potent synthetic opioid, seized by ⁣Customs and Border Patrol agents since 2020 has been captured near San Diego.​ “I’m ground zero,” says ⁣Todd Gloria, the mayor⁤ of⁤ the city.

The documents⁤ support some things already widely suspected: that Mexican cartels ​order the precursor chemicals for‍ fentanyl from China. The‍ chemicals are flown or shipped to Mexico, sometimes via countries such as Germany or Guatemala, then cooked into⁤ fentanyl in clandestine laboratories in the mountains of Sinaloa. The ​finished product is transported by⁣ land, sea, air and‌ even tunnels​ to safe houses in Los Angeles, ⁣Phoenix and El ​Paso, to be distributed across America.

But some details shed ‍new light on⁣ just how brutal and lucrative the fentanyl trade can be. The DEA reckons ‍the ⁣cartel can make a fentanyl pill for ten cents. ⁤The charges suggest ‍that the Chapitos‌ can then sell pills wholesale for 50⁣ cents in America, which dealers will hawk for several⁤ dollars ‌on the⁣ street. The ⁢documents allege​ that just one cartel operative in ⁤Los Angeles⁤ managed to launder $24m in roughly two‌ years.

2023-05-11 08:35:06
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