AI Discussions Held by Musk and Zuckerberg at US Congress

AI Discussions Held by Musk and Zuckerberg at US Congress

artificial intelligence in Washington, DC, on September 13, 2023″ width=”736″ height=”490″>

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta,‌ the parent company of Facebook, attends a US Senate ‍forum on artificial intelligence in Washington,⁣ DC, on September 13, 2023

Big tech ‌bigwigs ‍including​ Elon‌ Musk and Mark Zuckerberg traveled to Capitol Hill ‌on Wednesday to share their plans for artificial intelligence ⁤as the US prepares to ⁢draw up legislation to better control the technology.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader of the US Senate, has planned a series of ⁤so-called AI Innovation forums, closed door meetings where lawmakers⁤ can quiz tech leaders about the ‌technology that has⁣ taken the world by storm since the⁢ release of ChatGPT last year.

Europe is well ⁤advanced in their own AI Act and the pressure is on US lawmakers to avoid falling behind and seeing AI​ overwhelm society, ​with lost jobs,⁤ rampant disinformation and other ⁢consequences, before it is ​too late.

“Today, we begin an enormous and complex and vital undertaking: building⁤ a foundation for bipartisan AI policy that Congress can pass,” Schumer told ​the meeting, according ‍to remarks shared with⁢ the media.

“In past situations ​when things were this difficult, the natural‍ reaction…was ‍to ignore⁢ the problem and let someone else ⁢do the job. But with AI we can’t be like ostriches sticking our heads in ‌the sand,” he said.

OpenAI CEO and⁢ ChatGPT creator Sam Altman and‌ Microsoft founder ⁢Bill Gates were​ also attending ​the forum, which was closed⁤ to the press.

“I’m very optimistic about (AI), but it doesn’t ‌mean that there won’t be some rockiness along the way,”⁤ Altman said as he entered the meeting.

“I have been very impressed with our interactions with lawmakers even though ⁣I know our industry loves to dig‌ on them,” he added.

Whether the US congress can pass legislation to curb AI innovators with clear rules remains an open question‍ given the deep political⁣ divisions in Washington.

While both sides ​agree that tech can have very negative consequences on everyday life, the parties often differ on what the solutions might be.

Tech companies⁢ also lobby hard to ​maintain a ⁣light ⁤touch regulatory regime that‌ is pro-business and preserves innovation.

Some senators complained that‍ the ⁢meeting was closed ⁢to the public and gave too much leeway ⁣to tech giants to influence lawmakers.

“This is not how it should be,” said Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican ⁣who works closely on AI issues.

“Senator Schumer has talked about tech for ⁣two years now and he hasn’t put a single significant tech bill on the floor,” he complained.

The meeting is also the ⁤first known encounter between Musk‍ and Zuckerberg since ⁣the Tesla CEO proposed⁣ a cage fight with his Meta counterpart.

Musk was also sharing the room with Gates, with whom he has a testy relationship, according​ to a best-selling biography of Musk that was released on Tuesday.

SpaceX, Twitter and electric car maker‍ Tesla CEO Elon Musk, arrives for a US Senate bipartisan Artificial Intelligence (AI) Insight ​Forum at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on September 13, 2023

Elon ⁤musk
Mark zuckerberg

2023-09-14⁣ 11:24:02
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