After South Korea-US drills, North Korea launches two missiles.

After South Korea-US drills, North Korea launches two missiles.

North Korea has launched two short-range missiles off its east coast, according to the South Korean military. The launches occurred less than an hour after Pyongyang had warned of an “inevitable” response to military exercises conducted by South Korean and US troops.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea reported that the launches were detected from North Korea’s capital region on Thursday.

Japan’s defense ministry stated that the two ballistic missiles landed within the country’s exclusive economic zone, potentially having flown in an irregular trajectory. One landed in the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea, approximately 110km (70 miles) northwest of Hegura island, part of Ishikawa prefecture, and the other about 250km (155 miles) away, according to Japanese authorities.

US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, was in Tokyo for meetings with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts, Cho Tae-yong and Takeo Akiba, when the launch occurred. The three discussed North Korea’s missile program and confirmed they would work closely together to persuade Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons, according to a readout of the meeting released by Japan.

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