Advice on Consultants from a Retiring Consultant

Advice on Consultants from a Retiring Consultant

A retiring consultant’s advice on ⁣consultants

DEAR ⁣Robin, I was delighted when you commissioned me ​to prepare this report⁢ for you after⁤ our discussion at the‍ club.‍ As a newly appointed chief executive at a Fortune 500 company, a thrilling⁤ yet perilous ⁣adventure awaits you.⁣ I commend your wisdom in choosing to⁤ hire a management consultant ⁣to guide you on⁢ your ⁣way.

I, naturally, would have been ⁢ideally positioned, given my ⁣many years of ⁣experience serving your⁢ company’s principal rival. Alas, the ‌time comes ‍in every ‌man’s life when he must hang up his hat and retire to his home in the Bahamas. As my swan song, I ​have thrown together, as requested, a few thoughts on how to handle my kind. I hope you find the attached 120-page PowerPoint‍ presentation useful. Below ‌you will ⁣find a brief summary.

Be​ ready for the⁣ “bait⁢ and switch”: Do not be fooled​ by the eloquent veterans⁤ who will turn up to your office to plead for ⁣your‍ business. The⁣ work will ‍mostly be done by clever but‍ pimply 20-somethings, armed with two-by-two matrix frameworks recycled from client to client. What​ they lack in ⁣wisdom will be made up for in long ⁣hours. You need not feel sorry for them. They​ are cocooned in a shell​ of fancy meals,⁢ lavish hotels and ​private drivers—at ‍your expense.

2023-08-17 08:33:27
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