Advancements in Orbital Personal Hygiene: NASA’s Kathy Sullivan and the Pursuit of Knowledge

Advancements in Orbital Personal Hygiene: NASA’s Kathy Sullivan and the Pursuit of Knowledge

During its early years,​ NASA was ⁤primarily composed of men from the Armed Services’ ⁣test pilot programs. ⁤However, in 1978,⁤ Sally Ride, ‌Judy Resnik, Kathy Sullivan, Anna Fisher, Margaret “Rhea” Seddon, and⁤ Shannon ⁢Lucid broke barriers by becoming the first​ women admitted to the program. This significant milestone required NASA to reassess its spaceflight systems to accommodate a more⁤ diverse​ workforce. In her book,⁤ The ⁤Six: The Untold Story of America’s First Women ⁣Astronauts, journalist Loren Grush chronicles the challenges these women faced, including institutional sexism,⁤ survival⁢ training, and the personal pressures ‌of⁤ being an astronaut in the public‌ eye, as they pursued their goal ⁣of reaching orbit.


Adapted from The Six: The Untold Story of America’s First⁣ Women Astronauts by⁤ Loren Grush. Copyright © 2023 by Loren⁣ Grush. Excerpted⁤ with…

2023-10-08 09:30:32
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