Advanced Techniques for Managing Reminders on Android: 8 Effective Methods

Advanced Techniques for Managing Reminders on Android: 8 Effective Methods

Ah,⁣ reminders. I’m not⁢ sure how I’d possibly⁢ function without ’em. (What ‌were we ⁣talking about, again?)

I⁣ rely on reminders for almost everything imaginable — making sure ​I respond to an important message, tackle a pressing task, and perform all sorts of embarrassingly ‌mundane day-to-day⁤ chores that are both business-based and personal. (Putting on ⁢one’s pants technically counts as ⁣both, right?)

And goodness gracious, lemme tell ya: Google’s got some incredibly useful ways to set yourself reminders in different areas of Android. Most of ’em are options ⁤you’d never⁤ even encounter if you didn’t know where⁤ to look.

But once you uncover ’em, holy‍ moly, can these ​purpose-specific brain jigglers be invaluable for the mushy-minded among us.

So set⁤ yourself a⁣ reminder to get in ⁤the habit of using all of these Android-oriented reminder possibilities.‌ Trust me: You’ll be very glad you did.

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Android reminder⁤ option⁢ #1: The spoken task-saver

We’ll start with the simplest‍ Android reminder option of all —⁤ but one that’s still out of⁣ sight and all too easy to forget.

That, ⁣my‍ fellow memory-challenged mammal, is the Google Assistant-connected ability to set yourself a reminder for anything, anytime, and have it land‌ within the ‍Google ⁢Tasks service.

This one’s a little ‌confusing, as up until relatively recently, Assistant actually had its ‍own⁣ independent reminders system. But a ⁣while ‌back, Google did Its Google Thang™ and switched that system out⁤ for one built ⁤into Tasks instead.

The way it‍ works is still ‌the same, ‌though: No matter⁢ what you’re doing on your‍ device ⁤— or even if your screen is off — you say Hey Google to get your phone’s attention. (If that⁣ doesn’t do anything, ⁤dig into your system settings to find the Assistant section and make sure you’ve got voice activation enabled.)

Then simply ⁣say: Remind me… — followed by what it⁣ is⁤ you want to⁣ remember and when.

Hey Google, remind me to call Jim-Bob tomorrow at 2 p.m.
Hey Google, remind me to ⁤do a sprightly little jig Friday at 4.
Hey Google, remind ‍me to purchase new dancing⁤ pantaloons Saturday afternoon.

You get ‍the idea. No matter ‌what sort of balderdash you bark out, your request will be filed away within the Google Tasks app,⁤ and your reminder ⁢will pop back ⁣up on your phone when the appropriate ⁤day and⁤ time arrives.


Google’s core Android reminders ​system now goes through ‍Google Tasks, but you can still access‍ it via Assistant.

And that is just the start.

Android ‌reminder option ‍#2: Total note recall

I⁣ was‍ blown away by how many readers of my newsletter were surprised to learn about the depths of this next Android reminder option when it came up as a ⁣reader-submitted⁣ tip in a ⁢recent issue.

But it really is an ⁤easy​ one to overlook, especially with the labyrinth-like nature ‌of Google’s ⁤ever-shifting ‍Android‌ reminder priorities.


2023-11-30 10:41:02
Article from rnrn

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