Actress Maggie Robertson, known for her role as Lady Dimitrescu, to make an appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Actress Maggie Robertson, known for her role as Lady Dimitrescu, to make an appearance in Baldur’s Gate 3.

According to Eurogamer, actress Maggie Robertson will play the role of Oriana Red in Baldur’s Gate 3. Robertson is already familiar to video game fans, as she previously played the role of antagonist Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village.

Oriana Red is a <a href="” title=”Actress Maggie Robertson, known for her role as Lady Dimitrescu, to make an appearance in Baldur's Gate 3.”>shape-shifting magical personality. She is sexy but sadistic, and will frequently appear in the game – especially towards the end – to test your resolve. Oriana works for one of the higher powers that you oppose in the game, and visually stands out with her almost completely white eyes, burning red and provocative attire, and smoky patterns on her skin. She is merciless and will try to use her shape-shifting abilities to catch you off guard and lead you into making terrible choices.

Maggie Robertson joins the star-studded cast of Baldur’s Gate 3, which includes J.K. Simmons, known for his role as the editor of the newspaper in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies, and Jason Isaacs, whom you surely know for his role as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies.

Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released on PC on August 3rd, and on PS5 on September 6th.

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