A Human-Made Satellite Shines as One of the Most Brilliant Objects in the Night Sky

A Human-Made Satellite Shines as One of the Most Brilliant Objects in the Night Sky

A prototype satellite⁣ has become one of the brightest objects in the ⁣night sky, and it may soon be accompanied by dozens more. An observation campaign tracking the BlueWalker 3 satellite, launched in ​September 2022 by AST SpaceMobile, found ​that it is at times brighter than all but a handful⁤ of stars and planets that can be seen from Earth. The findings published in the journal Nature ‍highlight a ⁣fast-escalating concern among astronomers, who have warned that the influx of private ‌space ventures in low-Earth orbit could ‌alter our​ view of the‍ night ⁤sky and interfere with research.

Researchers with the International Astronomical Union’s ‍Center for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky⁢ from Satellite Constellation Interference ⁢(CPS)‍ observed‌ BlueWalker 3⁤ over the course of 130 days. BlueWalker 3’s antenna array​ measures just shy of 700 square‍ feet, making⁣ it the largest yet ‍for a commercial satellite in ‌low-Earth orbit. That huge array reflects sunlight and after ‌it unfurled,…

2023-10-02 16:27:06
Article from www.engadget.com rnrn

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