2016 Brussels Bombings: Life Sentences Handed to Men

2016 Brussels Bombings: Life Sentences Handed to Men

A‍ jury in a Belgian criminal court sentenced ⁣seven men​ responsible for organizing a⁢ series of ⁤bombings in Brussels in March 2016 on Friday⁣ to prison⁢ terms ranging ⁣from 10 years to life.‍ The sentences ⁣arrived seven years ​after the deadliest terrorist assault​ in Belgium’s history, which ⁢ruptured a multicultural society and sent shock waves across Europe.

Three of the men, found guilty of murder ⁢and attempted murder earlier this year, were sentenced to life imprisonment, including one who is presumed dead in Syria. Four others, including two whom the jury acquitted of ⁢murder charges but⁤ found guilty of​ participating in the activities of ⁤a terrorist group, were handed sentences from 10 to 30 years.

The jury did not give a new sentence to Salah Abdeslam, who already was condemned to life imprisonment over the organization of 2015 attacks in Paris and ‍to 20 years over participation in a separate ⁢shooting in 2016, having assessed that the existing⁣ sentences were “enough.”

The jury decided against revoking the Belgian nationality of ⁣five men, which had been requested by the federal prosecutor’s office. That request had⁤ brought accusations of racism from legal representatives for the five men, four⁤ of them Belgian Moroccan and one Belgian Rwandan.

The presiding judge, Laurence Massart, ‌read the jury’s sentences⁢ in the⁣ former NATO headquarters in Brussels,​ which had been transformed into ‌a court for the purpose of this trial. The decision capped a‍ long and painful justice-seeking process for the victims but left‍ many ‍questions unanswered‌ about the motives‍ of the homebred terrorists and whether the authorities did enough to prevent the assaults.

Three ​homemade bombs packed with nails were ​detonated in an airport departure hall and ⁤a busy subway station on March 22, 2016, killing 32 people from eight ⁣countries and wounding 340 others. The assaults were claimed by the same Islamic ⁣State cell that took responsibility for⁤ a ⁤string of terrorist attacks in Paris the previous year, making the two combined attacks the‌ deadliest operation carried out by the Islamic State in Europe. The detonations in Brussels also killed three suicide bombers, Najim Laachraoui, Ibrahim el-Bakraoui and Khalid el-Bakraoui.

A much-anticipated trial of 10 men accused⁢ of preparing the Brussels attacks lasted eight months, ending in July, and was the largest ever in Belgium, with‍ testimony from almost 1,000 registered survivors, witnesses and experts.

This year, ‌a ‌jury of Brussels residents of varied ages and ethnic backgrounds found ‌eight men guilty and acquitted two before disbanding for a summer ⁣recess. They restarted their work on Monday ⁤and reached an agreement on the sentencing after five days of deliberations in a secret location and without contact with the outside world.

The group of eight included Salah Abdeslam, ​the⁢ only Paris‍ attacker⁣ who is still alive; Mohamed⁤ Abrini, who was at Brussels Airport earlier in March 2016 and ⁢abandoned a suitcase of explosives without…

2023-09-15 15:40:33
Post from www.nytimes.com

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