YouTube Revises Misinformation Policy Allowing False Claims of Fraud in 2020 US Election on Videos

YouTube Revises Misinformation Policy Allowing False Claims of Fraud in 2020 US Election on Videos

YouTube has made a surprising announcement on Friday afternoon, stating that denialism of the 2020 election is now acceptable. The company claims to have “carefully deliberated this change” without providing any specific reasons for the reversal. In December of 2020, YouTube initially prohibited content that disputed the results of the election.

Attempting to justify its decision, YouTube wrote that it “recognized it was time to reevaluate the effects of this policy in today’s changed landscape. In the current environment, we find that while removing this content does curb some misinformation, it could also have the unintended effect of curtailing political speech without meaningfully reducing the risk of violence or other real-world harm. With that in mind, and with 2024 campaigns well underway, we will stop removing content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches occurred in the 2020 and other past US Presidential…

2023-06-02 13:43:19
Source from rnrn

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