Why We Prefer Larger Objects: Exploring the Connection with Learning

Why We Prefer Larger Objects: Exploring the Connection with Learning

We Americans have a penchant for extravagance. Our homes, appliances, vehicles, income disparities, and environmental challenges have all grown in size since the post-WWII era. In his book, Size: How It Explains the World, Dr. Vaclav Smil, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, explores the social, economic, and biological implications of our form following our function.

William Morrow

From SIZE by Vaclav Smil. Copyright 2023 by Vaclav Smil. Reprinted courtesy of William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Modernity’s Infatuation With Larger Sizes

A single human lifetime will have witnessed many obvious examples of this trend in sizes. Motor vehicles are the planet’s most numerous heavy mobile objects. The…

2023-06-04 09:30:20
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