WHO: Israel’s Gaza evacuation order deemed a “death sentence” for patients

WHO: Israel’s Gaza evacuation order deemed a “death sentence” for patients

Israel’s evacuation‍ order for Gaza ⁣amounts to⁣ a “death sentence” for​ vulnerable hospital patients, the World Health Organization has warned.

WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said⁤ health authorities in Gaza have advised that it is ⁢impossible to evacuate vulnerable hospital ⁤patients within 24‍ hours as ordered by‍ Israel’s military.

“There are⁢ severely ill people whose​ injuries mean their only chances of ‍survival is being on life support, such as mechanical ventilators,”⁢ Jasarevic⁢ said‌ on ‍Thursday.

“So moving those ‍people is a​ death​ sentence. Asking health workers to do so is beyond cruel.”

Israel’s military on Thursday ⁤ordered⁢ 1.1⁤ million Palestinains trapped in Gaza to move south within ⁤24 hours ahead of an expected ground offensive⁤ on the enclave.

Original from www.aljazeera.com ⁤ rnrn

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