Two Israelis Shot and Killed in West Bank, Settler Leader Reports

Two Israelis Shot and Killed in West Bank, Settler Leader Reports


Two Israeli settlers were shot and killed in the West Bank on Sunday, local settler leader Yossi Dagan said, calling it “an extremely serious terrorist attack.” The shooting sparked revenge attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, causing at least one death and numerous injuries.

The shooting of the settlers took place in Huwara, south of Nablus in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, just days after a massive Israeli military raid into Nablus in search of wanted militants left at least 11 Palestinians dead.

The settlers killed on Sunday were named as brothers Hillel Menachem Yaniv, 21, and Yagel Yaakov Yaniv, 19, the local settler council said.

“We embrace the family and will be with them as much as necessary,” the Shomron (Samaria) Regional Council said. They were from the settlement of Har Bracha, council leader Yossi Dagan said.

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2023-02-26 17:31:50
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On Saturday, a prominent Israeli settlement leader reported that two Israelis were shot and killed in the West Bank region.

The two victims, both of whom are reportedly related, were not identified by the settlement’s leader. The incident reportedly occurred near the Israeli settlement of Givat Asaf, located north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank region.

No details of the perpetrator or the motive behind the attack have been released. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a statement on Sunday saying they are “still in the process of assessing the incident.”

This incident marks the latest in a string of violence in the region, which has seen at least 18 Israeli fatalities and one foreign national killed since the beginning of 2018. The violence has been attributed to isolated Palestinian militants and armed groups.

The Israeli government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have vowed a strong response to any acts of violence and are also seeking a diplomatic resolution. The Palestinian Authority has also issued a statement calling for “all forms of illegal activity, including terror, [to] be stopped.”

The escalated violence has raised tensions between the two sides and caused a further breakdown of the already rocky relationship. It remains to be seen what further steps, if any, both the Israeli and Palestinian sides will take in addressing the current crisis.

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