Wealthy Europeans on the Hunt for a Secure Haven Amid Rising Populism

European millionaires are looking for a secure ⁣haven away from⁢ populism.

Dubai presents itself as a sanctuary ​for wealthy individuals. It offers ⁣a‌ business-friendly ‍environment with excellent‍ global flight connections. The ⁢city boasts safer streets compared to New York and London, along​ with exceptional cleanliness. To top it off, ⁣Dubai imposes no taxes on‌ income, property, or capital ‍gains.

It’s no surprise that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), particularly⁤ Dubai, is ‍expected to attract 6,700 millionaires this‌ year, as per Henley & Partners, a wealth⁢ consultancy. This number is nearly double​ the amount heading to the traditional wealthy haven of America, with​ 5.5 million residents worth $1 million or ⁤more. While ⁤Dubai has​ long been ⁣a⁣ refuge for affluent Russians, Indians, and⁤ Arabs, it is now becoming a sought-after destination for⁣ a new wave of European⁢ elite escaping political uncertainty in their home countries.

2024-06-27 08:40:52
Originally published on www.economist.com

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