Venus Receives Yet Another Blow in Lightning Department

Venus Receives Yet Another Blow in Lightning Department

Venus has long been depicted as having ⁤a hellish atmosphere. Despite that reputation, evidence ⁢increasingly suggests that​ our​ neighbor’s cloudy shroud isn’t riddled with lightning.
In 2021, the Parker Solar Probe swung past the nighttime side of ⁣Venus on its way toward the sun (SN: 12/15/21). As it did, ⁣its instruments picked up radio waves that scientists have dubbed whistler⁢ waves. Such disturbances got their name because their frequency quickly changes from high to low before they‍ disappear, says Harriet George, a space physicist at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Oddly, Venus’ ⁣whistler waves were⁤ traveling ​downward toward the planet, not up and away from it, as they would have been if they’d been caused by lightning, George and her team⁢ report in the Oct. 16 Geophysical Research ⁣Letters.
An alternate source of energy for these whistler waves could be disturbances in Venus’ weak magnetic fields, ⁤the researchers suggest. As magnetic field ​lines shift and reconnect, they can release prodigious amounts of energy, George says. In other milieus, magnetic reconnections accelerate ⁤the⁢ solar wind, help heat the sun’s outer​ atmosphere and help trigger Earth’s ‍auroras ⁤(SN: 6/7/23; SN: 11/14/19; SN: 7/24/08). They’ve got the right characteristics to create whistler waves on Venus too.

2023-10-16 06:00:00
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