Using the gauge symmetry principle to restrict the dynamics of rotating black holes

Using the gauge symmetry principle to restrict the dynamics of rotating black holes

In ⁢2015, the LIGO/Virgo‌ experiment, a large-scale ⁣research effort‌ based at ⁤two observatories ⁢in the United⁢ States, ⁣led to the first direct ‌observation ⁤of⁤ gravitational‌ waves. ‌This important⁣ milestone has since prompted physicists worldwide to⁤ devise new theoretical‌ descriptions for⁢ the dynamics of blackholes, ⁤building on the data ‌collected by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration.

“We pursued a connection between rotating‌ Kerr black​ holes and massive higher-spin particles,” Henrik Johansson,​ co-author of the paper, told “In other words, we modeled the ​black hole as ‍a spinning fundamental particle, ‍similar to how the electron is ‌treated in ‌quantum electrodynamics.”

The connection between Kerr black holes ‍and higher-spin theory was first ⁤explored in two ‌distinct‍ papers published in 2019. ​The first ⁤of​ these studies was carried out by Alfredo Guevara⁢ at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and ​his collaborators in Europe, while the second by ⁤Ming-Zhi Chung at National Taiwan University and his colleagues at ‌Seoul National ⁢University.

Both ‍of⁢ these previous works showed that the ‌well-known Kerr metric can‍ be matched ‍to an​ infinite​ family of ‍higher-spin scattering amplitudes.⁤ These​ amplitudes were first obtained ⁣by ‍physicists Nima Arkani-Hamed, Tzu-Chen⁤ Huang and Yu-tin Huang, ⁤as ​part of a previous study.

“While ⁢these ‍previous results are remarkable, they ​are not yet sufficient to accurately describe Kerr black-hole dynamics​ in view⁢ of upcoming experiments, such as the ‍Einstein telescope, LISA ⁢and the Cosmic ‌Explorer,” Johansson said. ⁣”Some important missing information is contained within ⁣the ‍black-hole Compton scattering⁤ amplitude, ⁤which is currently unknown for general spin.”

2023-12-28 00:00:04
Article from rnrn

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