US Treasury market attracts bond vigilantes amidst turmoil

US Treasury market attracts bond vigilantes amidst turmoil

NEW YORK, Oct 5 (Reuters) – Bond investors’ rising concerns around U.S. government spending and its ballooning budget deficit are​ contributing‌ to a steep sell-off that has pushed Treasury prices to 17-year lows.So-called bond vigilantes – investors who punish profligate governments ​by selling their bonds, driving yields higher⁢ – were a feature of ​markets in⁢ the 1990s, when ⁣concerns over ⁤U.S. federal spending ⁤pushed ‍Treasury yields to 8%.Anticipation of a surge in U.S. government deficit spending and debt issuance to cover that spending has unnerved‍ investors and brought the term back into Wall Street’s daily ⁤lexicon.Cutting the country’s‌ credit rating ⁢recently, ratings firm Fitch projected the U.S. deficit would rise to 6.3% ‌of gross domestic⁢ product this year from ⁣3.7% in 2022, due to higher debt service costs,⁤ new⁤ spending initiatives and weaker federal revenues.While the Federal Reserve’s hawkish interest rate projections have been a​ key‍ catalyst driving yields higher and weighing on prices, market ⁣participants pin part ‌of the selloff in longer-dated debt on investors wary of‍ rising⁤ spending.Yields on⁢ U.S. 30-year Treasuries – which move ⁣inversely to prices -‌ surged to 5% on ​Wednesday for the first time since 2007 in a broad global bond selloff before steadying.”There’s a concern now that if government⁢ spending doesn’t come down now, how large is it going to be if we do hit another⁤ recession and you could have very significant deficits and … significant amount of (Treasury) supply,” ⁢said⁣ Gene Tannuzzo, global head of fixed income at Columbia ⁣Threadneedle.Fiscal worries have ​been growing since the summer, when the Treasury announced plans to increase debt issuance.Overall Treasury auction ​sizes will rise by ​an‌ average 23% across all maturities in 2024, according to estimates from the Apollo Group. At the same⁤ time, ​the Fed is progressing with “quantitative tightening” – a reversal of the massive⁤ central bank bond​ purchases undertaken‍ to support markets in 2020.A 156% ⁢rise in the ‌federal deficit ‍over the past year‍ has resulted from falling government ⁣receipts due to lower capital gains⁢ and smaller‌ salary bonuses ⁣in 2022 as well as‌ sharply higher tax refunds, the Treasury ‌Department has said. Government spending rose 10% over that time, ‌driven by higher Social Security payments and rising debt expenses.”People are waking⁤ up to the idea that interest expense alone is increasing at a rate that’s not ⁢sustainable,” said Jake Remley at Boston-based asset manager Income Research and Management.Strategist Ed Yardeni,‌ who coined the bond vigilantes term in the early 1980s, has​ also⁢ chimed in.“The‌ bond vigilantes ⁤have been challenging (Treasury Secretary Janet) ⁣Yellen’s policies by raising bond yields to levels that threaten to create a debt crisis,” he said in a Financial⁣ Times opinion piece on ‌Wednesday. “In this scenario, higher yields crowd out the private sector and trigger a credit crunch and a recession.”Restive bond investors…

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