US Treasury Gaming by Hedge Funds Raises Concerns, Warns Fed Economists

US Treasury Gaming by Hedge Funds Raises Concerns, Warns Fed Economists

NEW⁢ YORK, Sept 13 (Reuters) – Researchers at the Federal Reserve have issued warnings in recent weeks about possible disruptions in U.S. Treasuries due to the return of a popular hedge fund trading strategy that exacerbated a crash in the world’s biggest bond market ​in ⁣2020.
Hedge funds’ short positions in some Treasuries futures‌ -‍ contracts for the purchase and sale of bonds for future delivery ‍- have recently hit record highs‍ as part of so-called basis trades, which take⁢ advantage ‍of the premium of ⁢futures ​contracts over the price of the underlying bonds, analysts have said.
The trades – typically the domain of macro hedge ‍funds with relative value‍ strategies – consist of selling a‍ futures contract, buying Treasuries deliverable into that contract with repurchase agreement (repo) funding, and delivering them at‍ contract expiry.
In​ two separate notes in recent weeks, economists at the Fed have highlighted potential financial vulnerability risks‍ related to these trades,‌ which are taking⁣ place at a time⁤ of volatility ⁣in‍ the U.S. government ‌bond market due to higher interest rates and ⁢uncertainty​ over future monetary policy actions.
“Cash-futures basis positions could again be exposed to stress ‍during broader market ⁢corrections,” Fed economists said in an Aug. 30 note. “With these risks in mind, the trade warrants continued and diligent monitoring.”
Separately, in a Sept. 8 note that looked among other ⁤things ‍at⁢ hedge funds‘ Treasury exposures, ‍Fed economists said there was a risk of⁢ a rapid ⁤unwind of basis trade positions in case of higher repo funding costs.
This would exacerbate episodes of market stress, they warned, “potentially contributing to increased Treasury market volatility and amplifying dislocations in the Treasury, futures, and repo markets.”
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data​ showed leveraged funds’ net shorts on some Treasuries futures were at near record highs in recent​ weeks, matched​ by large asset managers’ long⁢ positions -⁤ an indication of basis⁤ trades.
“The Fed is ⁤unlikely to view this accumulation⁣ of basis positions under⁤ too favorable a light and may eventually want to clamp down​ on them,” said Steven Zeng, U.S. rates strategist at⁢ Deutsche Bank. “However, the approach they take ‍may not be straightforward ⁤as the⁤ Fed⁣ does not ‍have direct regulatory‌ oversight over⁢ hedge funds,” he ‌said.
The‍ Fed declined to comment on possible‌ policy actions.
The unwinding⁢ of basis trades​ contributed ​to⁣ illiquidity in Treasuries in March 2020, when the market ‌seized ⁤up amid rising fears ​about the coronavirus ⁤pandemic, prompting the U.S. central⁣ bank to buy $1.6 trillion of​ government bonds.
Some market players fear a repeat of a similar situation may still be​ in the cards.
“Cash futures ​basis trades are vulnerable to two risks: higher margin costs on ⁣the futures short ⁢and higher financing costs on the cash long position,” Barclays said in ⁢a note on Tuesday.
Should ⁣financing ⁤costs increase in ‍the repo market – ⁤where hedge…

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