Unveiling the Untold Stories: Women’s Impact on America’s Slave Trade

Unveiling the Untold Stories: Women’s Impact on America’s Slave Trade

New study reveals the significant involvement of women in ‌the American slave trade

Unaware of ⁤the extent of the cruelty, white southern ‌women⁤ supported slavery, shielded from its worst‍ aspects. Historians previously believed slavery was a male-dominated business, but recent ⁤research challenges this notion.

A ​recent study by economists at Ohio State University analyzed data from the New Orleans slave market, uncovering that women played a substantial role. They⁤ participated as buyers or sellers in 30% of⁢ all transactions and 38% of those involving female slaves. The research⁤ also revealed that even married ​women, ⁤not just single or widowed, were involved in the trade.

2024-06-18 13:24:39
Originally published on www.economist.com

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