Unveiling the Unpredictability of Android Upgrades: A Deep Dive into Device-Makers’ Commitments

Unveiling the Unpredictability of Android Upgrades: A Deep Dive into Device-Makers’ Commitments

After closely following‍ Android for ‌over 7,000 years, one thing stands out – the unpredictable nature of a company’s Android upgrade performance is a pattern in itself.

It may sound odd, but think about it: except for ⁤a few ⁤outliers,⁢ we see a recurring ‌cycle every ⁤year when⁣ it comes to Android device-makers and their commitment to providing current software to their customers. It’s a rollercoaster of ups and downs, repeated ​endlessly.

Occasionally, a company shines unexpectedly, and the internet hails them as ‌the new King of Android Updates™. ​It’s a catchy headline, but‍ those of us who take a broader view of the platform understand the transient nature of ‍such proclamations. We must also consider ‍how a manufacturer treats all its flagship customers, not just the latest device owners.

That’s why I initiated the‍ Android Upgrade Report Cards⁤ ages ago. The inconsistency in ⁣post-purchase support from different ⁢device-makers has always been ‍apparent. As a regular user or a fleet manager, it’s‌ impossible to predict how well your top-tier device will be supported in the long run.

It’s a fundamental aspect of Android’s nature as an open-source ⁣platform. Each manufacturer can ⁢customize the operating system as they see fit, ‌leading to variations in how quickly ‌updates are delivered to ⁣customers.

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2024-04-10 ‍00:00:02
Link from www.computerworld.com

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